This is our own brand publishing portal. #TheBrandPublisher is presented by Austin Lawrence as a fresh take on marketing and story-telling for global brand publishing community. This is not about brand or native advertising. It is a new category of brand as publisher to build a media property and generate ROI for your company.
#TheBrandPublisher is our in-house laboratory and a place for marketers to follow the evolution of Inbound Journalism and brand publishing as a platform to deliver business results.
From feature posts to our #TheBrandPublisher webinar series, we share impactful strategies, interesting stories, and behind-the-scenes insights so you gain the most from your content. We focus on results whether you are:
– formulating a new marketing initiative
– planning & developing fresh creative assets
– or navigating the real-life organizational points of view on investing in content marketing
#TheBrandPubisher brings you key learnings and review business results from our own experience building new platforms for clients to monetize their news and thought leadership.